Choreographer’s Club 2018-19

Choreographer’s Club $65 + fees & sales tax

Michael SakamotoSoil

Ririe-Woodbury Dance CompanyStar Mark, Pantheon, Exilic Dances

Rosie Herrera Dance TheaterMake Believe

The Choreographer’s Club is a wonderful way to experience the best of contemporary dance, in a uniquely intimate setting. The club membership allows access to priority seating, as well as discounted admission to each performance of the MOVE! Dance Series, and a few special surprises. In keeping with the amazing shows in previous years, audience members will continue to be seated on the Wilson Center stage, providing a truly up-close-and personal experience.

Just added this year is the new post-show “Eat & Greet” program; this is a perfect opportunity to connect with the incredible dancers and choreographers, ask questions, share ideas and connect with other dance enthusiasts and aficionados. The Wilson Center collaborates with the dance company and local chefs to provide cuisine that contributes to the immersive, unforgettable cultural experience.

Choreographer’s Club Season Passes include admission to Michael Sakamoto’s presentation of SOIL, the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company’s presentation of Star Mark, Pantheon and Exilic Dances, and the Rosie Herrera Dance Theater’s presentation of Make Believe, a newly created work on its international debut tour.

Experience cutting-edge contemporary dance *on* the Performance Hall stage with the dancers!
Any closer and you’d be wearing a leotard. Seating is general admission for these events, so arrive early for priority Choreographers Club seating in the best seat locations.


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