Terms Of Use

No Refunds or Exchanges. You assume all risk and danger incidental to the event, performance, exhibition, or game whether occurring prior to, during, or after said show. You assume all risk and danger of injury or illness and you agree that the management, its agents, and the performers are not responsible of liable for any injuries resulting from such causes. No alcohol, drugs, weapons, food, or glass containers allowed. No recording devices, still cameras, or video cameras permitted. No transmission or aiding in transmitting any description, account, picture, or reproduction of the event, performance, exhibition, or game. You hereby consent to the reasonable search for alcohol, drugs, weapons, or other prohibited items. Refusal to undergo search may result in denial of entry without refund or other compensation. You further consent to the use of your image or likeness incidental to any display, transmission, or reproduction of the event. Management reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any person whose conduct is deemed by management to be disorderly or who fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein. Breach of terms or rules will terminate a license to attend the event and will not result in a refund. In the event of a cancellation for which there is no rescheduled date, a refund for this ticket may be issued at the option of the management and may not include additional ticket fees (i.e., ticketing operations fee, shipping fees, etc.) If an event is cancelled or rescheduled Cape Fear Community College will not be liable for travel or any other expenses that the ticket holder or anyone else incurs.