HOU YING: Infinity
Friday, March 23 – 7:30pm
Tickets for this performance are $25 +sales tax and fees
Hou Ying, choreographer and director of Hou Ying Dance Theater, will perform Infinity.
Due to passport delays from the Chinese government, some members of the Hou Ying Ensemble were unable to travel to the United States at this time. While this circumstance is regrettable, we are thrilled to be able to bring this solo work by Hou Ying to our stage!
In Infinity, Ying breaks the consistency and the predictable moving order of traditional dance principles, attempting to use a stream-of-consciousness, vague and inconsequent expression to build movements with their own independence. Therefore, the beginning of the movement is also the end of it. It is fleeting, like writing in water, like fragments flashing from memory, a replication of a dream.
Infinity debuted in 2013, at the Beijing ONE international Performance Festival, and is inspired by the works of renowned painter and video artist Tan Ping.
While the circumstances of this program change were not under our control, we apologize for the inconvenience. Tickets for Tu Tu will be honored at the performance of Infinity.
Approx. run time: 60 min. with intermission
This program is proudly brought to the Wilson Center by Cape Fear Stage, the presenting arm of Cape Fear Community College.
A note about Third-Party ticket resellers: Ticket Central including CapeFearStage.com, CFCC.edu, and Vendini.com are the only OFFICIAL TICKETING PROVIDERS for events at The Center. Tickets obtained from other unauthorized sources may be stolen, counterfeit or invalid due to payment issues and will not be honored. Tickets purchased from other sources are often greatly inflated in price and are not eligible for assistance if tickets are ever lost or stolen or if the event is canceled or rescheduled. The Center is not responsible for tickets purchased from other sources. (See video here.)
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