Wilmington Symphony Orchestra 2017-2018 Masterworks Season Subscription
We are pleased to announce that the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra has returned for another year in residence at the Wilson Center.
Season packages offer a variety of benefits, including 20% savings over individual ticket prices, and guaranteed best seats – no waiting in lines! To begin enjoying those benefits, purchase your season package today!
Convenient parking is available for $5 (cash) in the adjacent lot and deck.
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution with your ticket order. With donations of $150 or more, you’ll receive VIP invitations to special pre/post-concert events.
High Strung
September 22, 2018 | 7:30 pm | Wilson Center
Lilac 94, harp duo
Jenkins | Over the Stone
Rachmaninov | Symphony No. 2
Land and Sea
October 20, 2018 | 7:30 pm | Wilson Center
Concert sponsored by Cambridge Village
Mary Gayle Green, soprano
Elgar | Sea Pictures
Copeland | Tender Land Suite
Unfinished Business
January 26, 2019 | 7:30 pm | Wilson Center
Concert sponsored by The Davis Community
Young Artists Concerto Competition Winners
Schubert | Symphony No. 8 “Unfinished”
Storied Past
February 23, 2019 | 7:30 pm | Wilson Center
Rimsky-Korsakov | Scheherazade
Kodaly | Háry János Suite
Russian Classics
May 4, 2019 | 7:30 pm | Wilson Center
Concert sponsored by Wilmington Health
Steven Bjella, violin
Glinka | Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla
Errante | Violin Concerto (premiere)
Stravinsky | Firebird Suite (1945)
Note: These programs are brought to you by the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra. Not affiliated with Cape Fear Stage or Cape Fear Community College.
A note about Third-Party ticket resellers: Ticket Central including CapeFearStage.com, CFCC.edu, and Vendini.com are the only OFFICIAL TICKETING PROVIDERS for events at The Center. Tickets obtained from other unauthorized sources may be stolen, counterfeit or invalid due to payment issues and will not be honored. Tickets purchased from other sources are often greatly inflated in price and are not eligible for assistance if tickets are ever lost or stolen or if the event is canceled or rescheduled. The Center is not responsible for tickets purchased from other sources.
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