Wilmington Symphony Orchestra 2019-2020 Symphony Pops Series

The Wilmington Symphony Orchestra is pleased to present a two concert Symphony Pops Series with a tribute to the great Aretha Franklin and a commissioned work by Steven Errante for the North Carolina Azalea Festival!

This package features the following events:

Aretha: A Tribute – Saturday, October 19 at 7:30pm
Featuring vocalists Capathia Jenkins and Ryan Shaw, this show will feature such classic hits as Respect, Natural Woman, Think and many others.

Azalea Festival Pops – March 20 at 5:00pm
An official event of the North Carolina Azalea Festival, this concert will feature light classics, film scores, and the premiere of a work commissioned by the Festival and composed by conductor Steven Errante.

Buy now to reserve the best available seats! Visit www.WilmingtonSymphony.org for more details.

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